quilted stockings

I got the inspiration to take on this project from Pinterest (duh).


I learned to sew when I was about 15, and it’d been since that time that I’d sewn anything.  But I decided to whip out the ole sewing machine and give it a try.

First, I had to go to Joann’s and get a rotary cutter, mat, and ruler.  If you download their app they have a 50% off coupon, so it ended up being $30 instead of $60 for everything.


I got my fabrics from Hobby Lobby.  They came in a little bundle of 5, so I got 2.  The stockings would probably have been cuter if I’d selected each fabric myself, but this saved time and money.  I also got some thin batting and fabric for the stocking cuffs and liner.

Next I cut out all my squares at 2.5 x 2.5.  54 per side, 108 in all.  And set them out how I wanted them (with Mike’s help).



I kept a piece of paper on top to remind myself who was whose and if it was for the front or back.

Then I sewed the pieces together using this youtube tutorial to help me.  The pressing of the seams is important!


Next I quilted each of these 4 pieces together with batting and liner at a diagonal.  It was pretty easy to just follow the corners.  I found that quilting every other line first (while alternating directions) and then going back to fill in the rest of the lines makes it come out a little flatter.  I didn’t take a picture of this step, probably because at that point I was getting pretty tired.

Then I laid my stocking pattern over the quilt, pinned it down so it stayed in place, and cut around it.  I got my stocking pattern from here.



I used this youtube tutuorial to sew together the stockings and add the cuff and loops for hanging.  My cuff pieces were 9 x 17 and my loop piece was 2.5 x 6.5.





And finally I was finished!  It was quite the project, but it was worth it.


4 thoughts on “quilted stockings

  1. Pingback: liebster award | fixed on the unseen

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