26 things i’ve learned in 26 years

1)  Always celebrate your birthday

2)  Most of my problems can be solved by telling myself to relax

3)  Family and friends are priceless

4)  Spilling nail polish remover on a wood table is bad news

5)  Sometimes people judge others because they aren’t confident with what they’re doing in their own life – don’t be that person

6)  Having an active lifestyle is good for my health and mood

7)  If a book isn’t good 30 pages in, don’t finish it

8)  Giving IS better than receiving

9)  Not having a response to an ignorant comment can be more powerful than having one

10)  Care labels on clothes are there for a reason

11)  Working hard makes life easier, oh the irony

12)  Don’t let birds nest in a wreath on the front door

13)  Flossing is important

14)  Cable TV isn’t worth it when trying to save money

15)  Don’t be afraid to try new things

16)  Everyone wants to feel important and loved, be kind

17)  Don’t make decisions in life soley based on money

18)  Best way to improve a snow cone, add nerds

19)  Never go to the grocery store after church

20)  Go to church

21)  Say your prayers

22)  Drink plenty of H2O

23)  Remember the importance of ports while playing Settlers of Catan

24)  Don’t waste too much time feeling sorry for yourself

25)  You’ll never regret eating ice cream (but see #6)

26)  Be thankful


Wild birthday celebration, not sure what’s going on in the background.  🙂

meal planning 6.25

Since we got back from vacation we’ve been eating a lot of salads with grilled chicken.  No pictures, sorry about that.

Salad #1

Spinish & Arugala (my new favorite combo)



Green Peppers



Oil & Vinegar

Salad #2

Spinsh & Arugala


Cooked Squash



Oil & Vinegar

I also made this delicious Slow Cooker Quinoa Tex Mex recipe from Chelsea’s Messy Apron.


And I made this Hashbrown Custed Quiche with Sausage from Very Culinary again – it’s a new favorite.


So there it is folks, happy hump day!

smash book update 6.24

I’ve done a few additions to my smash book, mainly using things from our recent Charleston & Savannah vacation.  For other smash book posts check out this, this, and this.


More game scores, a thank you card, Silver Dollar City tickets, and magazine clippings.  Random.


Charleston & Savannah stuff


Our itinerary and a brochure that folds out into…


this map of Savannah.


Magazine article about bulbs.  Random.

As you can tell my one rule for my smash books is to make them as random as possible, it makes it no stress.  🙂

craft closet

We had a bunch of available space in one of our pantries in the kitchen.


See.  Not much going on.  I thought it’d make for a great craft closet.  Especially since all of my craft supplies were dumped into a couple big baskets, not very accessible.  So I cleared out that particular cabinet and went to get some storage bins.  I got:

6 plastic shoe tubs from Walmart – 94 cents each

2 small drawer organizers from Walmart – 5.57 each

2 paper storage units from Target – 6.84 each

So the whole project cost a little over $30.


crafts closet

Nothing is labeled right now, I may do that later.  There is plenty of room and the shelves can be moved up or down if I need to rearrange in the future.






This is much more user friendly than digging into a couple deep baskets.  Looking forward to putting it to good use!


One of my favorite prayers is the Desiderata poem by Max Ehrmann.  The entire prayer is so helpful to me, but I’m particularly drawn to one of the first few lines:

“Avoid loud and aggressive person, they are vexations of the spirit.”

A vexation of the spirit sounds like something I really don’t want to be.  Vexation meaning something that provokes irratibility, anxiety, or distress.

I wouldn’t say that I surround myself with people under this classification, but when I read this I always hope that I’m not falling under that classification either.

Before that line is this:

“Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.”

I think if I’m able to do this I can avoid being a vexation of the spirit. 🙂


And the last paragraph always brightens my day:

“Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be; and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.  With all its shams, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.  Be cheerful.  Stive to be happy.”


belated father’s day post

Because of our vacation I was unable to put up a post in time for Father’s Day.  So here it is now!  I’m extremely lucky to have the Dad that I do.  He has done so much for our family and probably doesn’t get thanked often enough.


I have vivid memories of life with Dad growing up.  I remember that he taught me to braid on one of my barbies, don’t know if he remembers that, but I do!  I remember that he always told me I looked “strong”, usually after a swim practice that I didn’t want to go to.


I remember coloring at his old work office when I was little and thinking I was pretty cool to be in my Dad’s office.  I remember him fixing our bikes.  I remember drawing out a template for my Halloween jack-o-lantern every year that he would then transfer to a pumpkin.


I remember him trying to teach me long division when I was extremely upset because I just didn’t get it.  I remember camping and hiking with him (and Ryan, my little bro) in Santa Fe, one of my favorite memories.  And of course, I remember him throwing us up in the air at the pool over and over and over again.


Thanks for all the memories Dad.  We are all so lucky to have you.  Love you!

charleston and savannah vacation

I’m back from a week long hiatus due to our vacation!  We went to Charleston, NC and Savannah, GA, and it was a blast!  Here are some things that we did that I’d strongly recommend if you ever visit the area:

The first day we were in Charleston we ended up just parking downtown and walking around.  There are tons of shops that were fun to walk into and they even have a cookie bar on King Street, which obviously I recommend.


And in the early evening we drove over the Ravenel Bridge and parked at the Mount Pleasant Pier.  Mount Pleasant Pier is right across the river and has a nice park and a super long pier (free to public).  This was actually one of my favorite things we did.  We got an amazing view of the Ravenel Bridge.


The 2nd day we were in Charleston we took a couple tours.  One was a walking tour where we got to hear a lot of the history of Charleston.


And the other was a harbor tour that we took on a catamaran.


Both were fun, but I’d be weary of doing them in the heat of the summer.

The 3rd day was spent on Sullivan’s Island at the beach – only about a 15 minute drive from Charleston.  We got there early (9:30) to get a parking spot and basically had the beach to ourself for a good while.  When we left in the early afternoon there were more people, but it never got crowded.  And we saw dolphins!  We heard this particular island didn’t have as many restaurants and fun things to do (compared to Folly Beach and Isle of Palms), but that it was still nice.  It’s a good one to go to if you’re just wanting to go for the beach.


That same evening we went to Hyman’s for dinner.  It’s a very well known restaurant in the area and was a lot of fun, I strongly recommend it – yum.  After dinner we walked around Charleston’s City Market, which was right by Hyman’s.


The following day we spent a little time in Charleston before heading to Savannah.  Once in Savannah we did what we first had done in Charleston, parked the car and walked around the historic district some.  Then we ate at the Pirate’s House, and oh my gosh, so good.  I was feeling it after this one since we’d just had a heavy meal the day before at Hyman’s.  But it was worth it.


Then we drove to Tybee Island, which is where we were staying while in the Savannah area.  Tybee is about 25 minutes from downtown Savannah, so a little longer, but an easy drive.  Tybee Island ended up being a little more – for the lack of a better word – trashy than we had thought, but by the end of our stay there we ended up liking it.  They have an awesome pier, which was right next to our hotel, that you can walk on for free.  In the evening we walked along the pier and around town.


Our 2nd day in Georgia we spent most of the day in Savannah.  We woke up early and checked in for our Old Town Trolley Tour, this ended up being another one of my favorite things that we did.  First of all, we got to park in their car barn for free, which is basically a little warehouse.  That was nice because at the end of the tour we didn’t have to go back to a blazing hot vehicle.

And the tour was awesome!  The entire time they drive around they give you a history of Savannah.  There are 16 stops and you are able to get off at any of them.  They run the trolleys so that every 15 minutes another trolley will be at the stop to pick you up and the tour picks up from there, so you never miss anything.  Mike and I got off at 4 of the 16 stops and we started the tour at 10 and were heading back to Tybee around 4.  We stopped at the City Market.


We stopped at Forsyth Park.


We stopped at the Cathedral of St. John.


And we stopped on River Street (where we ate lunch).


After all that intense fun we spent the 3rd day in Tybee on the beach.  It was somewhat crowded by the afternoon, but not too bad.  The water felt amazing.  And some dude found a horseshoe crab, which look like this:


So that was crazy.  In the evening we went to see the Tybee lighthouse, which was pretty cool.  We also walked on the beach and the pier again.



It was a really fun trip and I definitely recommend visiting both places if you ever get the chance. 🙂

4 year anniversary

Today is Mike’s and my 4th anniversary!  Grammatically I have no idea the correct way to say that.

Here are some of my favorite things about Mike – don’t worry, nothing too mushy.

#1 – Hilarious

In fact we woke up today laughing until it hurt, but that was more my doing because I was telling him about a dream I’d had with a demented doll and zombie horses…anyway…  The most tried and true way for Mike to get me to crack up is when he tries (keyword) to dance.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.

facebook 9

#2 – Game For Whatever

This is important.  Mike is no thrill seeker but if I wanted to scuba dive with sharks he’d be game…maybe.

pic 17

#3 – Easy To Please

I almost didn’t put this one because it sounds suggestive, don’t be a perve!  But seriously, all it takes to improve Mike’s day is some Candy Crush…or Jeopardy…or food (duh).

newspaper pic

#4 – Nothing To Prove

At times this can be annoying, but overall it’s a great trait.  Although he is very competitive (ask him about his hands after being on the high-low silos at Silver Dollar City), he basically never tries to impress people, like ever, which ends up making him seem way more impressive.  Well played Mike, well played.


#5 – Kind

So generic, right?  But he is!  I think everyone can be mean-spirited from time to time but Mike would be very, very low on that spectrum.


There are many more things that I adore about Mike (obviously) but I don’t want him to get mad at me for listing all them here.  He’d probably say it’s embarrassing and that now he has no mystery.  True.  Happy 4th Anniversary Mike!  I love you.

having faith

Another inspirational post for the week!  Having faith is usually the answer to many problems.  Here are some nice reminders.

let god

We’ve all seen this before, but it’s true!  And very comforting.

mustard seed

Matthew 17:20.  When I read this I remind myself that it’s not asking much to have a little faith.  I can handle having faith as small as a mustard seed – which are 1 to 2 mm in diameter in case you were wondering.

pray more

Easy peasy.

big god

Many times when I’m worried about something having a little perspective helps.  Lucky for me my problems usually aren’t nearly as dire as I think they are.

just breathe

Again…easy peasy.


This verse is the inspiration for my blog title and extremely helpful in keeping faith.

Hope this post cheered up your day!

summer reading list revised

Early I wrote this post with books I intended to read this summer.  I wanted to give an update on some of these, so here it is.

Haven’t Read Yet – No Report

Bark by Lorrie Moore

Cementville by Paulette Livers

Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut

Going To Skip

Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver – If you are a middle aged female biologist who loves romance novels, this is for you, if not, I’d skip it.  Mike read the first 30 pages or so and gave me a summary, not worth the read.

Read From List

East of Eden – Very long, but very good.  Give it 50 pages before the story line really picks up.

How Did You Get This Number – Pretty funny.  Kinda of a downer at parts.  Main character/author isn’t the most put together person in the world.

And The Mountains Echoed – Great story.  Tons of characters to keep straight.

Read And Not On List

never let me go

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro – About a child at a private school in England.  A coming of age story.  Except there is a bunch of weird stuff going on and it’s science fiction.

black moon

Black Moon by Kenneth Calhoun – Another sci-fi (not typical for me).  Insomnia is claiming the lives of the entire population.  Very creepy, but a page turner.  It took me a couple days to read.

Currently Reading

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

My Favorite

The Sci-fi ones were fun, but read East of Eden.  It’s probably been my favorite.